Thursday, October 14, 2010

Editing Papers

Today I read about editing your work. Even if you are sending an e-mail and do not care about mistakes, you should still correct them because the person recieving the message may mind. I learned that you should not edit your paper at all while you are writing it. You should just go wild with your thoughts and correct them later. If you take the time to revise your writing before it is finished then you may waste you're time because it is possible that that work will be deleted in the future. I always stop to put in commas, periods, and capital letters while I am writing. From now on I will try to avoid this and just write all of my ideas before I fix them. I tend to get extremely aggravted and brain blocked when I can not fuigure out what to write about. I always just want to get the work done so I sit there until I do. This puts a lot of stress on myself. I read that you should get up from your work and go back a couple hours or days later. You should aso revise your paper a couple days later. Your mind will be in a different state and you will be able to make your paper better. These readings will absolutely help me with my future papers.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote about the same reading and I think the technique of going back to your paper was the best thing ever told to me ans we should both apply it to our education. : ) Also the hole section about correcting as you go on about your paper and fixing it then instead of mayeb having to start over is a good idea because I know I don't fix during and I end up writing my paper on the wrong topic. This reading might help uss both out a lot. haha
    love you
    Lauren <3
