Friday, December 3, 2010

Movie Review

My friend Lauren told me that the assignment on the movie review was due last monday. We sat down together and began to do the work. I finally finished at about 2 am and went to sleep, but when I got to class the next morning I found out it wasn't due for weeks! At least I got an idea of what movie I want to do it on and already have a lot of information. Although, I didint know what I was doing, so now my paper requires a lot of revision. The movie I chose to review is the Christmas classic, Elf. Will Ferrell is an amazing actor in this movie and almost every scene makes me laugh. I read about five reviews already and all of them were positive. The authors overall enjoyed the movie and thought it captured Christmas Spirit very well. Elf is one of my favorite movies so my review will also be very positive. What a perfect movie for the perfect time of year. Merry Christmas!

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