Friday, December 3, 2010

Movie Review

My friend Lauren told me that the assignment on the movie review was due last monday. We sat down together and began to do the work. I finally finished at about 2 am and went to sleep, but when I got to class the next morning I found out it wasn't due for weeks! At least I got an idea of what movie I want to do it on and already have a lot of information. Although, I didint know what I was doing, so now my paper requires a lot of revision. The movie I chose to review is the Christmas classic, Elf. Will Ferrell is an amazing actor in this movie and almost every scene makes me laugh. I read about five reviews already and all of them were positive. The authors overall enjoyed the movie and thought it captured Christmas Spirit very well. Elf is one of my favorite movies so my review will also be very positive. What a perfect movie for the perfect time of year. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Helpful Tips for Writing a Paper

Our last assignment was to read about tips that would help us when writing a paper. We then discussed all of these ways in class. My group talked about introductions and their importance. An introduction is the first part of a paper. It does not need to be a full paragraph. An introduction must catch the reader's attention and keep them interested. If the first part of your paper is boring then they will not want to continue and read the rest. You can interest your reader by using quotes, facts, statistics, and questions. The introduction also tells what your paper is going to be about and what the purpose of it is. It will also set the tone of the paper. The reader will know if your paper is formal or informal. Our class also learned about titles, transitions, conclusions, and thesis statements. I already knew a lot about these topics but the readings and class discussions helped me learn even more. I am confident that these tips will help me write my third paper which is about an advertisement.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Editing Papers

Today I read about editing your work. Even if you are sending an e-mail and do not care about mistakes, you should still correct them because the person recieving the message may mind. I learned that you should not edit your paper at all while you are writing it. You should just go wild with your thoughts and correct them later. If you take the time to revise your writing before it is finished then you may waste you're time because it is possible that that work will be deleted in the future. I always stop to put in commas, periods, and capital letters while I am writing. From now on I will try to avoid this and just write all of my ideas before I fix them. I tend to get extremely aggravted and brain blocked when I can not fuigure out what to write about. I always just want to get the work done so I sit there until I do. This puts a lot of stress on myself. I read that you should get up from your work and go back a couple hours or days later. You should aso revise your paper a couple days later. Your mind will be in a different state and you will be able to make your paper better. These readings will absolutely help me with my future papers.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thesis Statements and Page Designs

I learned a lot throughout these readings. I never realized that a thesis statement could be put as the last sentence in the last paragraph. I have always learned that it needs to go in the introductory paragraph. I also did not know that a thesis can evolve throughout one's writing. It obviously makes more sense this way because all of your information is not going to fit exactly to your thesis like you want it to. I also learned about designing web pages and papers. It is known to keep an essay organized and simple if you are passing it into a professor. The background is white and the text is usually black. When creating a web design you have unlimited possibilities. Although one can use 40 different fonts and 20 different colors for example, it is a better idea to keep the work balanced and neat. Most of the time simple is best, especially if you are an ammature.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

4 Visual Narrative Stories 9/22

I watched all four of the links posted under course documents. I was most impressed with the boy who made a movie about passing english class in the fourth grade. I liked how he did not have real pictures or videos at the beginning so he acted them out. I'm not sure if I have enough pictures for certain parts of my project so it helped a lot to see someone else make the best out of the situation. I think his paper was well written and his movie came out good. I also hate reading more than anything. I always seem to get extremely bored and fall asleep in my book. He proves that reading can really help, and it allowed him to become successful throughout his academic career.